Decentralized Finance and its future

George Nguyen
2 min readJun 20, 2021

From a concept of owning your own funds, DeFi has grown from 0 in 2018 to a strong industry with Total Value Locked at $61.09B (17 June 2021, by Defipulse), bringing more chances and opportunities to people around the world.

“Projects like Uniswap are now dominant players frequently eclipsing large centralized exchanges in daily volume (around $1.07B at 17 June 2021, by CMC). Aggregators like YFI have exploded onto the scene and other leading lending/borrowing protocols like Compound, Synthetix and Aave have built 2 year+ battle tested protocols managing billions of dollars. It’s safe to say DeFi is here to stay.” — Badger DAO

TVL in DeFi (from Defipulse)

DeFi protocols shift from VC or investor-backed projects with centralized control to a “fair token launch” with the community owning control of the project from the onset. More and more projects use Fair Launch as the concept to reach audience to make its aura and community sustainable.

It is believed that DeFi will be the future of finance, where people control their own fund, choose the products they want to use and use them directly from their wallet without custody. That is the reason why we started Defily, as a Full Stack Cross Chain Defi Platform for all.




George Nguyen

George is an experienced Executive Director across industries and currently mentoring a number of startups in Vietnam.